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Television Reports on the story of Ami Shafrir and the other victims of Daniel Nicherie.

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On July 18, 2002 Geraldo Rivera revealed "The Brothers Scum", Daniel and Abner Nicherie on Fox Network news magazine’s "The Pulse". Geraldo Rivera sheds light on these two notorious thieves.

Watch this Geraldo Rivera - FOXNews report: Broadband  56k

Promo for THE PULSE click here

Link to The Pulse 


On May 7th, 8th 2001, FOX Under Cover News Reports broadcasted on FOX 11 KTTV Los Angeles.
Watch these two reports: Broadband  56K

On June 12, 2001, FOX Under Cover News Report, broadcasted on FOX 11 KTTV Los Angeles.
Watch this report: Broadband  56K

You might need to install windows media player to view videos above.


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