March 3, 2009 Abner Nicherie, 44, was sentenced to 21 months for wiretapping of Ami Shafrir – after the sentence bailiffs were ordering him to remove the belt and tie from his nice suit, before leading him off in handcuffs.
May 15, 2008 Abner Nicherie, 44, of Las Vegas, Nevada, was found guilty of aiding and abetting Pellicano in the wiretapping of Ami Shafrir.
March 05, 2007Daniel Nicherie was sentenced Monday to 4 1/2 years in federal prison.
February 6, 2006 Daniel Nicherie & Abner Nicherie Indictment – Abner Nicherie, 42, of Las Vegas, Nevada, who was involved in a business dispute with a man who was allegedly wiretapped; and – Daniel Nicherie, 45, of Las Vegas, Nevada, Abner’s brother, who is currently in federal custody on charges of defrauding the man who Pellicano allegedly wiretapped. Daniel-Callahan-Nicherie-latest-crime-court-documents.pdf

Ami’s phone, wiretapping by Anthoney Pellicano
Daniel Nicherie Indicted on 4-1-04 in Los Angeles (click for press realese)
LA Times front page cover story of how Ami Shafrir was victimized by Daniel Nicherie (click)
Daniel Nicherie was arrested by 5 FBI agents on 3-4-04 in Las Vegas (click for press realese)
Click for latest news email to Ami Shafrir
Ami Shafrir’s account of his Ordeal with Daniel Nicherie and Abner Nicherie and how they took control of his companies through the use of forgeries, transferred assets to a plethora of Nevada “shell” corporations, filed meritless litigation against him, manipulated the judicial system, destroyed the business operations, caused 120 lawsuits including 10 bankruptcies. Damages are $40,000,000. Click The RICO Lawsuit filled in US District Court to read more about the story, or click on Television to watch FOX News report, Geraldo Rivera sheds light on these two notorious thieves.
Nicheries are also in the business of pornography, continuously committing their crime as you read these lines!
The Nicheries continue to operate behind shell corporations and use strawmen and attorneys as a shield from behind which they conduct the affairs of their racketeering activities similar to their conduct 12 years ago that resulted in a $34,000,000 judgment against Daniel Nicherie for Racketeering based on mail fraud, wire fraud and bank fraud in Texas and Connecticut in 1991 and 1992. Well financed, using the victim’s stolen money and moving quickly, committing fraud on the court, the Nicheries are in the business of white collar crime, and they take sickly pleasure in the destruction they cause. No one is safe, not even the parents of Daniel Nicherie’s wife.

Nicheries’ Crime Statistics
• 650 times Daniel Nicherie took the 5th Amendment in the RICO case.
• 120 Number of Lawsuits Caused by the Nicheries.
• 154 Number of Attorneys hired by the Nicheries to attack Ami Shafrir.
• 14 Number of fraudulent Bankruptcy filings.
• 70,000 Pages of court fillings.
• 250 Lies submitted by Nicherie to the Court in perjured Declarations.
• 40,000,000 $ damage to Ami Shafrir.
• 5 Major Shafrir’s corporations destroyed.
• 500 Individuals lost their jobs.
• $7,000,000 Daniel Nicherie spent on attorneys and to attack Ami Shafrir.
• $250,000 Ami spent on Attorneys defending against Daniel Nicherie’s.
• 130 Other known victims.
• 12 Months Daniel Nicherie spent in Federal jail.
• 7 Months Abner Nicherie spent in Federal jail.
• $34 Million racketeering judgments against Daniel and Orah Nicherie.
• $4 Million RICO case judgment Ami has against Daniel and Abner
• $0 Judgments paid by Daniel and Orah Nicherie
• 178 known Nicherie’s Corporate Shells.
• 20 Various known signatures of Daniel Nicherie.
• 10 Ways Daniel Nicherie spells his last name.
• 25 Forgeries of Ami Shafrir’s signature.
• 30 Forgeries of 3 other individuals and a notary.
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Daniel and Abner in their efforts to trap their victims, are hiding their true identity and are not using their last name on their business card.
They were running their scam business in Las Vegas.